Getting the boss's approval to upgrade important software can be a challenge, particularly when budgets are tight. Here are a few tips on how to get approval to upgrade eDeveloper V10:
PREPARE. Go in armed with all the necessary materials to make a good case for your upgrade. Download the “Ten Reasons” brochure and visit the series of blog entries on reasons to upgrade in Glenn Johnson’s eDeveloper V10 blog.
LEARN. Attend the Magic University course “Migration to eDeveloper V10” so that you can speak with authority on the capabilities of eDeveloper V10. Download the FREE EVALUATION SOFTWARE and consult the "What's New in eDeveloper V10" and other documentation.
RELATE. Show how specific problems or issues you've recently encountered can be overcome by one of the improvements in eDeveloper V10. Ask for a Magic representative to setup a live web presentation on your upgrade to eDeveloper V10. Invite your opeers and your boss to participate in this information gathering session.
SHARE. Point others in your organization towards the new learning resources in eDeveloper V10: the “Mastering eDeveloper” book and the 22 online demonstrations.
SAVE. Point out the ROI benefits of migrating to eDeveloper now, before you release a new version of your software based on your current version. Cost savings, productivity enhancements, application improvements, user interface benefits, and much more, are all available immediately, but only if you make the leap to eDeveloper V10. A delayed start to active development using eDeveloper V10 equates to a very real loss of benefits to your company.
TEAM. Review the benefits of eDeveloper V10 with other members of your development team. Gain an understanding of how the improvements can enhance efforts across your development team.
CONSULT. Magic Professional Services can help to provide you with a migration readiness assessment. This formal consulting process will help you to plan for all aspects of your migration to eDeveloper V10.
LAUNCH. Ask for a commitment on a specific launch date for your team’s use of eDeveloper. Come in armed with a launch plan.
MEET. Set a specific meeting in which you can present your upgrade request to senior management. Make it clear to everyone that this is an important and needed decision.
DECIDE. Give a deadline to make a decision. Present the information and ask for an answer within a specified time frame. Reiterate that procrastination has real expenses and costs associated with it as well as lost business opportunities.